@Desirous of Change: The Governing Body are "completely aware of what they are doing... They have a clear and determined plan."
I am SO glad someone finally said this. I agree wholeheartedly. This is carefully crafted manipulation and propaganda. One just has to look at the series of articles written by the Society warning AGAINST "worldly propaganda" and "manipulative techniques Satan's world uses" to know they are FULLY aware of what they're doing.
Furthermore, those in charge of discarding old publications or tampering with them to whitewash history (even the '75 drama that came out at a recent convention) are not ignorant of what they are doing.
I'm calling it: these men up the top are insidious, calculating and cunning. Some of you may think they're too dim-witted to carefully craft the divisiveness they've caused between JWs and everyone else in the world, but when you see the intricate legal wranglings and their masterful swapping of hats (for one issue in court, they hide behind religion/"Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses". For another issue, they front as a corporation. Recall how Gerritt Losch could honestly state he has nothing to do with "Watchtower"?)...
...You just can't assemble this monstrous cult by pure chance.